Buy an iPhonus with only $99.99!

“The most innovate and revolutionary” would best describe the newest device, iPhonus. How is it different from other phones? You’ll have to see all the amazing functions it contains. After looking at all the basic apps, such as Quib Online, LovePotion, Extendable Ear, etc. and many more additional astounding apps, you will definitely be able to notice prominent differences between an iPhonus and any other normal phone that you can find.

The marvelous functions of the iPhonus are inexplicable. One of the numerous apps in the iPhonus is Quib Online, an app that you can use to search about anything on Earth and even outside of the Earth. Another would be LovePotion. Do you have a secret crush that you want to date? If so, then do not hesitate to buy the iPhonus! The LovePotion app will make your crush fall in love with you within 24 hours! What a remarkable app! This is not the end. The Extendable Ear app allows you to hear things that are as far as 5km away from your current location. You can also hear minute sounds that can’t be heard using your bare ears. Oh, you think that all of these apps are useless for you? You might want to think about it once more because there’s another app that you would die to have. The TimeTurn app in the iPhonus allows you to go back in time! Let’s say that you have a big exam coming up tomorrow. You were busy for the whole week and had almost no time to study for the exam. The time of the exam finally came and you completely messed up the test. What would you do? Press TimeTurn and set the time that you wish to go back to. Done! After a blink of an eye, you’ll be studying for your exam that is going to be in two weeks, or whatever time you set up to go back to. What about people who don’t have an iPhonus? Too bad! I guess they should work harder for their exam! Although I’ve only explained four out of the infinitely large diversities of apps, I’m sure that you understood the advantages of having an iPhonus in terms of its functions and usages. So how expensive would this revolutionary device be?

The brilliant device itself with three different types of phone cases, two spare batteries, a pair of earphones and a touch pen are provided with ONLY $99.99!!! Buy the iPhonus with the cheapest price right now and you’ll also receive the Harry Potter series for free! I guarantee you that you will never regret buying the iPhonus and that this opportunity will never come to you again! Buy the latest version of the iPhonus for only $99.99 with all the new functions that are added! You can get straight A’s, make your crush fall in love with you, or even win the lottery with ease. Get your own iPhonus for only $99.99 with the best deal in 2014! If you wish to purchase the iPhonus, please contact 010-1234-5678! You’ll never regret!
