A perfect guide for undercover cops trying to fit in at DIS

Even though I do not know the purpose or how desperate you are to fit in at DIS, this guide will probably help you a lot by preventing you from being noticed by others. To give you a brief introduction about DIS, it has been a little more than four years since Daegu International School was established. Every morning, the headmaster, Mr. Odom and the Principal, Mr. Jolly stand in front of the main gate, greeting students who get off from the bus.

The first class begins at eight o’clock in the morning. However, there is a fifteen minute homeroom time that students usually spend watching videos from DBS or Jet Stream, or do homework. Each class period takes up eighty minutes and there are five-minute breaks in between classes. During lunch time, which starts at 12:25 and ends at 1:05, students can have lunch in the cafeteria and enjoy their free time in the gym, soccer field, or library. There are two lines in the cafeteria, one that gives you an international menu and another for a Korean menu. Usually during lunch times, most of the guys play either basketball or soccer while most of the girls hang out inside the cafeteria or in the library. After the fourth period class ends at 2:30, students who do not have after school activities can take the first bus that leaves at 2:45. For those who have after school activities, there is a second bus that leaves at 4:30.

All students in DIS are required to wear DIS uniforms in the campus. There are various styles of uniforms that students can wear, including green or blue T-shirts, khaki pants or skirts, white blouses, hoodies, etc. But make sure that you are wearing uniforms that have the DIS logo on them!

To avoid confusion, let me describe the structure of the DIS campus, which includes the early child center, main building, library, cafeteria, gym, dorm, soccer field and basketball court. Right when you enter the gate, you’ll see the cafeteria, under the library. On the right side of the cafeteria is the DIS dormitory, then the gym. On the left side of your view would be a basketball court next to a soccer field, which is right next to the playground and the early child center building. Where you would want to go is probably the main building, located in the left side of the cafeteria.

So how should you behave in DIS to avoid being conspicuous? It’s really not that hard. Pay attention during class, but be sure to make some side conversations because it’s impossible for students to stay quiet for the whole class period. Behaviors after lunch could be playing basketball or soccer if you are a guy, or chatting in the library if you are a girl. During lunch times, you are not allowed to go inside the main building unless you are using the restroom. You are allowed to go inside only after the bell rings. You should always respect your classmates and stay close with them. It’ll be useful if you know some slang that students normally use during conversations.

All of this information might sound too mundane and dull. However, there’s actually nothing that special you need to consider about in order to fit in at DIS. You simply need to act like a normal student and stay away from things that would make you stand out among other people. Good luck and I hope you succeed in whatever mission you are trying to accomplish! 


3 thoughts on “A perfect guide for undercover cops trying to fit in at DIS

  1. You have a really good time guide on your blog. Like when do you have to go to the bus and when do you finish your school. And you have a great explanation on the locations about DIS.

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